Tuesday, February 24, 2009


So I haven't written on here in a while. I actually didn't realize I had this blog already until now ha ha. I've had it for school since february of last year. Anywho, nothing exciting has happened for me lately but I have been in Germany for the past 6 days! I haven't seen my sister in six months so i'm glad i have that time to spend with her. so far we've been to Amsterdam, Koln, Frankfurt and of course Wiesbaden where Jon and Steph live. It's beautiful here. I get to shop at places like H&M which we don't have back in Oklahoma! Go figure. I've also been catching up on my movies and lazy time. ahh lazy time. I have to head back in a few days (blegh) but I'm happy I had this experience. Alright that's about it for now. Write me!